Hey Umpire, Whattayou, Drunk?
A drunken umpire making questionable calls seems like a cliché, but at one Alabama high school baseball game, police say the answer was, “Yep, that is pretty accurate.”
WAAY-TV reports a north Alabama umpire faces public intoxication charges after he was arrested for officiating at a high school baseball game while drunk.
Priceville police say Derek Bryant was arrested that Monday with only one inning left in a junior varsity game at Priceville High School.
Police were called after coaches said they smelled alcohol on the red-eyed Ump Bryant.
At the time of his arrest, Bryant had been making calls for several hours, but no one saw him drink alcohol at the baseball field.
After his arrest, Bryant admitted to police that he had been drinking earlier.
Bryant has yet to answer the charge in Priceville municipal court. “Yer out! And fired!” sounds like an appropriate call.